
 AMAGAERU(a tree frog)

A back figure was pretty, too !! There was a small small tree frog in my garden.It moved very well.So,I couldn't take a picture of the tree frog well.This is an out of focus photograph. I got a pumpkin from my friend yesterday. I am goin…

Gathering of foliage plants

I made the sample of teaching . Gathering of foliage plants Enjoy it in a room. I washed the roots of those plants I bound those roots with artificial sphagnum moss(ART MIZUGOKE).

TONOSAMAGAERU seems to be called leopard frog in English. Leopard frog is surprise. After rain It was so beautiful. I arranged today's flower. Jiyuka (free style ikebana)

I was doing the review for yesterday's Ikebana Leaf of Kirk Rico small chrysanthemum and Fuusenntutu-

Face illustrated book of the dragonfly http://dragomoss.la.coocan.jp/tombo/tombofaces4.htmlThe dragonfly was smiling.The world of an insect living with every effortI got use to that heat .Loose trousers MONPE is my summer uniform.It is ver…

http://gogakuru.com/index.php?flow=myDiary&func=dview&mid=448701&did=560877&ddate=20150719#diary It has been this time after all.It was humid today.I did my best and did the weeding of my garden.Did I do my best ????I am not confident.But …


http://gogakuru.com/index.php?flow=myDiary#form Heliotrope I got this flower from a teacher of my flower arrangement. It has a sweet smell like gentle perfume. It has weak cold resistance so treated to the flower of the kind of the annual …

I hope that the weather is nice tomorrow.

http://gogakuru.com/mypage_448701/diary/2015-07/16.html The rain is important for a plant. But I hate the typhoon. I hope it will be fine tomorrow. I have not yet played the piano today. I practice a piano twice from now on.\(^o^)/

だんだん花数が減って小さくなってきました。 お礼肥をたんとやりましょって思いました。 ピラミッドアジサイは簡単です。 昨年買った鉢が今年も咲いてくれて嬉しいです。

三日坊主になるかも?ですが、 My name is EIKEN BOTIBOTI. I'm looking forward to studying with this website . I will do my best but little by little.\(^o^)/The only problem is I can't concentrate on my work!This is the life! http://gogakur…


父が蒔いたリアトリスが今年も咲きました。 羽を傷めた蝶がとまっていました。 けなげです。 実家の離れで見つけました。 まさかのまさか!と驚いたのもつかの間 佐々木昭楽 http://www.e-seizan.co.jp/dougu_list/chawan/syouraku/ 松楽窯 http://www.e-sei…


7月に入ったというのに日陰のビオラはまだ元気です! 陋劣 やる度に答が変わってくるので、あてにはなりませんが、 でも陋劣で浅はか・・・当たってるって妙に感心してしまいます。m(__)m ☆ http://jp.howyouare.com/godcreatedme/5bGx55Sw5LiO5b+X5rGffDEw…