
Autumn Leaves (song) Let's enjoy a text!

Gardening Cyclamen

A cyclamen of the last year has begun to bloom again \(^o^)/ It is my small joy. The old soap which mother left became one remainder. I use it in a bath from today. You and I are under the same sky. I looked at a full moon.




I got souvenirs. KOKESI ARARE body・・・・・・soy sauce-flavored arare (rice crackers) head・・・・・・Round arare (rice crackers) a peanut was in two heads on one body?? I am lucky!! A back figure is pretty too.


The time goes by very early!! Let's show spirit!I practice the piano with my friends today.The end of SeptemberHigannNanpure(sudoku)gardening The middle of SeptemberLooking at have to do , I sighed and 凹. Beginning of September