
Rainy season (Baiu)

\(^o^)/ The music lights my heart. What a wonderful performance!!! It was a wonderful concert last night. JUN-ICHI HIROKAMI(広上淳一)http://www.zakzak.co.jp/people/news/20140813/peo1408130830001-n1.htm

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 "Pathétique", Op. 74

I'm looking forward to going to the concert. http://www.kyoto-symphony.jp/concert/detail.php?id=520&y=2016&m=6 Thank you!!!

Flower stopper is The Taniwatari

I made a trial flower arrangement of next month. .

Little and often fills the purse.

There is a round net to bake a rice cake.

There is a round net to bake a rice cake. But It's secret!! http://www.nfd.or.jp/enjoy/for-beginner/fb-bk/fb_vol20 I was using this site as reference. Pekori!!

I made a broach.

I made a broach. This is made of sunflower seeds and a black soybean.

Small flower

Small flower



with hat

With hat and leaves in my garden.

Dokudami(spotted leaf)

Dokudami(spotted leaf) It is the flower of this season.