
Kyoto Symphony Orchestra

Kyoto Symphony Orchestra I felt like I was in a dream. I want to go there again next summer. More info http://www.kyoto-symphony.jp/concert/detail.php?id=438&y=2015&m=7 I went to Awaji Island. That was a very beautiful sight. A whirling cu…

Beautiful form

Beautiful form Thank you very much!! I used a half pumpkin. I stored remaining half with a freezer. I'll try it again. It was too bad. I was disappointed. I do not understand the reason well. Try and error. My life. I'll try it again.

Fortunately It was not so hot today as yesterday.I was helped by cloudy sky.But,I sweat a lot.The towel which I bound a neck with smelled terrible. Odor of old age? I was surprised .



I made it


Let's ride out intense heat. I supply salt Pickled plum(UMEBOSI) Dried cuttlefish(SURUME) TUNA JERKY !! TUNAJERKY which I got from the son of my friend. It has good taste !

GAGABUT(Water snowflake)

Water snowflakes are blossoming. Small and white and pretty.